Saturday, May 16, 2020

Silas Marner By George Eliot - 1093 Words

Within the book Silas Marner by George Eliot, there are different depictions of religion. One faith chooses to focus wholly on God and his power to determine the lives of the people, whereas the other faith chooses to value people’s actions over how often they attend, or worship at church. Eliot describes the two differing religions as having flaws as well as virtues. However, Silas is inherently different at both locations Lantern Yard and Raveloe. How do his relationships differ in these two places, and what kind of importance do these relationships have on the religion of the region? Furthermore, is it also a question that is it religion that is responsible for forming relationships or is it that relationships are key to defining the type of religion practiced. These are some of the questions that will be explored in the following passages. The first depiction of religion is seen in Lantern Yard and is described as narrow minded and closed to society. While everyone is involved in the faith, it is solely based around worshipping God and overlooks the community relationships that strengthen faith. It does not require a community of people or families, merely â€Å"weaker followers† that can be overpowered and disposed as needed. This ideology can be seen when Silas is quickly excommunicated for a crime that he did not commit without a hearing or anything. To William, his long time friend, it didn’t matter that Silas had been a loyal follower and good friend for nine years; theShow MoreRelated Analysis of Silas Marner by George Eliot Essay2475 Words   |  10 PagesAnalysis of Silas Marner by George Eliot At the beginning of the novel Silas says There is not a just god that governs the Earth righteously, but a god of lies that bares witness against the innocent At the conclusion of the novel he says Theres good I this world Ive a feeling o that now What makes Silas change his mind, and what are the events leading up to his regeneration. 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Eliot was one of the finest realists of Victorian fiction and produced a remarkable range of intellectual novels throughout her life, including the moral fable of Silas Marner. The 19th Century was an extremely patriarchal period, which Mary Anne Evans had to pen her name as George Eliot, otherwise her novels would not be published. George Eliot was a critic of theRead MoreMoral Values of Silas Marner and Godfrey Cass Essay1651 Words   |  7 PagesDictionary). Moral values are important in Silas Marner throughout the novel as those people who do good deeds are rewarded while those who fail in their moral duties to others are punished. As George Eliot was a religious person, she believed in fate and providence as there was a higher being rewarding and punishing our conduct. This theme is portrayed throughout the book and seen most prominently in the characters of Silas Marner and Godfrey Cass. Silas starts the story as a popular man from Lantern

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